Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Will Packard became the Priest-in-Charge of St. Andrew’s on July 1, 2020. Will came to us from St. David’s in Ashburn, Virginia, with a focus on youth formation, worship, pastoral care, and other areas of ministry. Will is a graduate of Sewanee: The University of the South where he learned his love of nature and, most recently, of the Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to entering seminary, Will worked for the Diocese of Virginia as the clerk to the Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee and he spent several years working in downtown D.C. for The Pew Charitable Trusts in their Philanthropic and Government Relations departments.

As a priest, Will sees a passion for pastoral care in carrying out the Gospel. As a collaborative leader, he works with the Vestry and all of the people of St. Andrew’s to discern how we may embody the radical hospitality of Christ’s mission. With energy, he looks forward to getting to know the community.

Will resides in Burke with his wife Paige and two daughters, Emma and Libby. They recently welcomed a new puppy Lucy and Will has already taken on her theological training. Will and his family are settling into their new home and are excited to be a part of the St. Andrew’s community.

At the 2022 Annual Meeting (Feb. 13th) it was announced that Will accepted the call from the Vestry to become our 3rd Rector. Will was officially installed on May 15, 2022.

As Parish Administrator, Michelle oversees daily financial tracking of the parish and preschool, which includes accounts payable and receivable, and payroll. In addition, Michelle works with our Treasurer to present monthly financial statements, including separate Financial and Endowment Committee reports to the Rector and the Vestry on all matters regarding the current financial state of the church and for use in budget forecasting. Michelle assists the Treasurer in the compilation and reporting of the budget. She also assists clergy with matters regarding church membership and the use of church property.

Michelle is a UVA graduate, with a Bachelor of Science in Commerce, and worked as a Certified Public Accountant before switching to the church world. She is an avid runner and keeps the staff and Vestry on their toes for all things financial.

As the Communications Director, Emily may be the first voice you hear when you call the office. Emily creates all publications, digital and printed; manages the website and Facebook/Instagram pages; takes and collects photos from various events; handles the ducks; and otherwise assists in any way she can. She and Michelle, the Parish Administrator, do their best to keep the clergy in line.

Emily joined the staff in 2013 but has been around quite a lot longer, as she was baptized and raised at St. Andrew’s. After graduating from St. Andrew’s Preschool in ’89, Emily went on to join the Youth Choir, become a reluctant acolyte, and was a founding member of St. Andrew’s Workcamp, which she led for the past few years. She went to Catawba College in Salisbury, NC, and earned a degree in Philosophy & Religion.

Having attended St. Andrew’s since she was young, Andie is excited to work as the Interim Communications Minister for Children, Youth, and Families for the summer! From Sunday school to the Youth Choir, Andie has fond memories of St. Andrew’s. Andie is a ballet teacher at Bella Ballerina and finds inspiring and educating kids to be a great passion of hers. After retiring from professional ballet at the Los Angeles Ballet, Andie is also pursuing a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies at George Mason and a minor in American Sign Language. She is excited to get to know the families and youth members at St. Andrew’s for the summer and help out wherever possible!

Tami Phillips became the preschool director in the Fall of 2019 but has been with St. Andrew’s Preschool since 2012. Previously at St. Andrew’s, Tami was the Discovery Room Teacher for 7 years, a school parent, board member, and substitute teacher. Tami began her teaching career in Miami, where she was an elementary teacher for fifteen years. Tami earned a master’s degree in Reading from Barry University in Miami, Florida, and was an adjunct professor. She and her husband have two children, both alumni of the preschool. Tami says that preschool science “is not only exciting but necessary…discovering, inquiring, and experimenting develops life-long learners.”

Anne Alexis Harra is a postulant to the priesthood in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and as of Fall 2024, she is starting her second year at Virginia Theological Seminary. Anne Alexis is a lifelong Episcopalian and finds deep joy (and questions!) in her faith. Before starting at VTS, she worked in full-time lay ministry at her beloved sending parish, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Philadelphia, where she served as Minister for Children, Youth & Families. At VTS, Anne Alexis serves as a sacristan in the chapel department, is a member of the Student Aid Society, and works at the Flamingo coffee shop. She feels guided by the Spirit to St. Andrew’s and is excited to serve this community. Anne Alexis is passionate about Jesus, liturgy, joyful movement, traveling, and iced lattes, and is a proud cat mom to Laney and Nellie.

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