Left to right:
The Rev. Will Packard, Dave Umberger, Brian Chatman, Laura Sabo, Anne Brannam, Jeff Reba, Lori Foster, Carol Robinson, Pam Hardin, Katie Campbell, David Limbaugh, Sarah Akins, and Paul Foley

Purpose of the Vestry

The Vestry of the Episcopal Church originated in the Virginia colony, in a time when the reality of colonial life and tensions between the British monarchy and colonists were such that Anglicans (Church of England) in the colonies did not have a whole lot of clergy. In order to bridge the gap between lack of clergy, need for services, and with the shifting reality of more lay people and revolutionary spirit, churches created the Vestry.

In this new role, a Vestry was charged with looking after the temporal affairs of a congregation; in other words, tending to the financial and land (now buildings) matters was deemed to be the Vestry’s role, while acknowledging the clergy role to be that of pastoral care (cure of souls) and leading worship.

Over the years, the role between the two have merged at times, with respective groups offering a more balanced approach to ministry: Rector and Vestry working in tandem to ensure the life of a parish, with Rector weighing in on more financial matters, and the Vestry taking on more responsibility for pastoral care and recruiting parishioners for ministry

Senior Warden

To follow the Canons of the church and provide leadership in the congregation by being a positive person that seeks to resolve problems. Be a sounding board for the Rector. Take the pulse of, and be aware of, the congregation’s concerns. Encourage parishioners and Vestry to talk with the clergy.

  • Serve on the Endowment Board.
  • Serve on the Finance and Audit (FAC) Board.
  • See that all boards are fully staffed.
  • Consult with the Rector on Vestry agenda.
  • Write monthly Net article.
  • Spend time with the Rector discussing concerns and ideas.
  • Assure the Vestry has appropriate materials and submit annual report materials.
  • Meet newcomers; make introductions to the clergy and other parishioners.
  • Recognize leadership and helpers in all activities.
  • Foster forgiveness, understanding, and reconciliation with Rector, staff and Vestry.
  • Encourage Rector to take steps to delegate or take time off when Rector is overloaded.

Junior Warden

Generally, work with the Sr. Warden as lay partners with the Rector in addressing the needs/concerns of the parish. The Jr. Warden’s major focus is on property management by overseeing various building and grounds requirements and activities both for current operations and future planning.

  • Manage all related fiscal accounts and budget submissions for Plant Maintenance and Repair; Plant Utilities; Fire/Emergency/Medical; Janitorial Supplies; Trash Removal; Landscaping/Memorial Gardens; Snow Removal
  • Ensure appropriate contracts are in place, maintenance expenses are adequately supported in the budget, and future “strategic” planning and related issues are brought before the Vestry.
  • Work with other Vestry Commission leads, Sexton, Preschool Director, and other program areas/group leads.
  • Schedule semi-annual Parish Cleanups.
  • Prepare input to the Annual Report and other Vestry reports to the Parish as required.
  • Maintain appropriate records and inventories.
  • Ensure safety and security procedures are in place.
  • Ensure insurance policies are current and adequate. Process claims as appropriate.
  • Maintain the status of the two Fairfax County Drainage Ponds.
  • Balance current and future needs involving the sustainment and use of Building Reserve Funds, other Designated Accounts, and Targeted Endowments.
  • Serve as an active member on the Finance and Audit Committee
  • Work closely with the Treasurer and Parish Administrator on all related accounts and audits.

Fellowship Commission

The ministry of the Fellowship Commission is to bring parishioners and others together in social settings. Events can have an overtly religious purpose (i.e. Lenten soup suppers) or be purely social (i.e. Oktoberfest). The goal is to encourage individuals to get to know one another and to meet people with whom they might not ordinarily interact. This is accomplished in two ways: (1) parishioner participation in the events themselves and (2) parishioner participation in the planning and execution of the events.

Formation Commission

To lead, promote, and organize youth Christian education at St. Andrew’s. Note: Vestry Formation representatives do not typically play a key role in adult formation (i.e., adult forum, Bible study).


  • Assist with developing the annual formation budget.
  • Recruit volunteers, teachers, coordinators, and superintendents.
  • Assist with Sunday School policy and procedure decisions and implementation.
  • Plan for Sunday School year by promoting registration, working with Director of Family Ministries to decide on class divisions, and disseminating information about these items. Manage teaching calendar for each classroom (ensure there is a schedule from the teachers in each class). Assist Director of Family Ministries in organizing materials for the year and verifying curriculum orders for classes.
  • Clean and organize classrooms and supply closet with help of Director of Family Ministries and/or Head of Preschool.
  • Plan and conduct Sunday School teacher and staff appreciation lunch.

Outreach Commission

The role of Outreach is to provide spiritual and monetary assistance to people and organizations that help those that are in need. This commission helps provide food, educational services and essential everyday living needs. St. Andrew’s Outreach extends to folks both locally and internationally.

Programs we currently support:

  • El Hogar
  • ECHO
  • Samaritan Ministry
  • ESOL
  • Food for Friends
  • Relay for Life

Stewardship Commission

Stewardship Committee coordinates year-round stewardship activity and ensures the congregation is aware of what stewardship means at St. Andrew’s, presents programs of stewardship education throughout the year, coordinates the annual pledge drive, and contacts members of the congregation to explain stewardship and follow up on pledges.

Stewardship is about making choices. It is more than giving money to the church; it is about being faithful disciples who care for and manage all that God has given us. Stewardship is an expression of gratitude to God. Stewardship is a lifestyle that acknowledges accountability to God, to whom we give love, loyalty, and trust.

When stewardship is understood as the right use of resources God has given us, it touches all aspects of our lives. Forming good stewards becomes an integral part of worship, formation, community life, and mission. Relegating it to an annual pledge drive means we miss opportunities to build stewardship formation into the church’s life and programs throughout the year.

Worship & Welcome Commission


To help ensure worship is a holy, sacred experience of God’s love. To support clergy and various worship ministries. To convene a worship commission meeting before each major church season to review upcoming dates, services, and personnel requirements.


To welcome all people to St. Andrew’s. To become acquainted with them, determine their interests in the church activities, and incorporate them into the ministry of the Parish.

Other Committees

Finance & Audit Committee (FAC)

A. The mission of the Finance & Audit Committee (FAC) is to provide assistance in financial matters to the Rector, Vestry, and Treasurer, consistent with best business practices of the Diocese of Virginia, as defined in Canon 25, and observing the Business Methods in Church Affairs (MBMCA), as defined in Canon 13. The FAC charge is to ensure the fiscal stability and long-term economic health of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in managing the Church’s finances ethically and efficiently, in compliance with applicable laws and consistent with the mission statement of the Church.

Endowment Fund Board (EFB)

A. The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to enable the Church to more completely fulfill its mission by developing its ministries beyond as well as through its annual operating funds, and therefore that distributions from the Endowment Fund shall be limited to:

  • Capital needs of the Church;
  • Outreach ministries and grants;
  • Education and worship ministries;
  • Seed money for new ministries and special one-time projects; and
  • Such other purposes as specifically designated by donors to the Church whose gifts are included in the Endowment Fund

Preschool Board

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Preschool is a ministry of St. Andrew’s to the community and is administered by the Rector, in consultation with the preschool board and Vestry of the Church. The Board is comprised of ten members. Two members are from the Vestry, four members are parishioners, two members are parents of children attending the Preschool, and one member is from outside the parish, representing the community.

The Rector is a continuing member of the Board and the Preschool Director is an ex-officio member. The preschool board is charged with planning and supervising the preschool’s program. Duties of the board include, but are not limited to, advising the Director regarding scheduling, determining the annual budget, and setting fees and salaries. Final authority in personnel of the preschool rests with the Rector. The preschool board meets quarterly.

Friends of Music and the Arts of St. Andrew’s (FoMA)

The mission of FoMA is to further the outreach mission of St. Andrew’s by opening the doors of our parish to provide a regular series of musical and other artistic events to the community, thereby enriching people’s lives by giving them opportunities to set aside the cares of everyday life and encounter beauty in a sacred space. Also to enrich St. Andrew’s musically by providing occasional financial support or gifts above and beyond what is normally a part of the parish budget for special music in worship services; or other music-related projects, programs, gifts and activities.

Property Resource Commission

The Property Resource Commission shall assist the Clergy and Vestry by planning and executing the appropriate maintenance, sustainment, and improvement tasks necessary to ensure St. Andrew’s building and grounds meet church mission requirements.

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